
Biopallo’s patented, unique technology converts organic side streams into raw materials for soil improvement and recycled fertiliser products in less than 24 hours

Several different waste streams are generated in industrial manufacturing processes, which are today called by-products. Following the amendment of the Landfill Act in 2013, industrial by-products are now diverted to the circular economy. With Biopallo automated technology, industrial organic sidestreams and waste are hygienized in the Biopallo reactor into organic humus even in less than a day. The processing capacity of one Biopallo reactor is scalable. The final product from the Biopallo reactor, humus, provides optimal living conditions for the soil microorganism and thus restores life to the soil. Live, active soil means healthier food, cleaner water and a cleaner environment, as living soil sequesters and stores carbon from the air into soil to where it belongs and where it is needed.

We provide end-to-end solutions for the organic side streams from processes including but not limited to the following sectors:

  • the food industry such as meat, fish and dairy industries

  • pulp and paper industry

  • agricultural manure and sludge, contaminated feed, etc

  • greenhouse and market gardens

  • truck gardens, greenhouses

  • fertilizer industry

  • waste treatment centers

ProblemHumanity’s greatest problems today center around ineffective organic waste accretion, poor soil conditions,  climate change through atmospheric carbon, and insufficient food production. Impoverished soil releases more carbon that it can seque…


Humanity’s greatest problems today center around ineffective organic waste accretion, poor soil conditions, climate change through atmospheric carbon, and insufficient food production.

Impoverished soil releases more carbon that it can sequester, accelerating climate change resulting in further soil degradation.

SolutionThere is a solution to this vicious cycle; Biopallo Technology.Due to our patented   technology’s ability to efficiently process organic biowaste at a microbiological level, the waste can be quickly  converted into valuable soil nourishing  …


There is a solution to this vicious cycle: Biopallo.

Due to our patented technology’s ability to efficiently process organic biowaste at a microbiological level, the waste can be quickly converted into valuable soil nourishing hygienic humus and raw material for truly organic, circular fertilizer.

ResultHumus enables optimal living conditions for micro-organisms and returns life into soil. Live, active  soil means healthier food, cleaner waters and less polluted environment, because living soil sequesters and stores carbon from the air into s…


Humus enables optimal living conditions for micro-organisms and returns life into soil. Live, active soil means healthier food, cleaner waters and less polluted environment, because living soil sequesters and stores carbon from the air into soil where it belongs and where it is needed.

Biopallo Technology enables regeneration of soil!

Biopallo enables a true circular economy concept of industrial and agricultural side streams and nutrients

Biopallo enables regeneration of soil